
Financial Analysis

Financial Analysis

Clients often contact us when it comes to financial analysis, because they need benefits/costs, risks/returns, “what’s it worth,” or “what if” questions answered. Sometimes our clients want to know what might happen with reorganization or with new investments. They may ask us to interpret, assess, or project complex financial data. We have helped clients with:

  • Merger and Acquisition Transactions
  • Private Equity Investments
  • Securities Fraud (10b5, 33 and 34 act) Claims
  • Analyzing Competing Investment Strategies
  • Portfolio Management Approaches
  • Backtesting Investment Strategies
  • Analyzing Investment Suitability
  • Assessing Economic Substance
  • Valuing Real Options
  • Assessing New Technologies or New Ventures
  • Other Complex Financial Valuation

Our experts work with clients all the way from project evaluation through analysis and final reports. We review the overall goal of each project before digging in. As part of the analysis, our team might examine and analyze firm-specific and market-wide data including, portfolios, financial statements, retirement plans, contingent liabilities, and other data as appropriate. We often provide forecasts and “what-if simulations” for specific business and industry trends, including seasonality, business cycles, and other economic and market factors.

We emphasize appropriate methodology and clear communication. Our analyses range from intuitive “back of the envelope” to the most modern financial engineering and data analytics methods, depending on our client’s specific needs.

Past clients include attorneys, portfolio managers, merger and acquisition firms, private equity firms, banks and trust departments, government entities, corporations, investors, and trade associations.

If you want customized, reliable financial analysis, contact us.

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